
Turkey says 'miracle' Black Sea gas field is larger than first estimated. Turkey's giant Sakarya gas field has 405 billion cubic meters of natural gas, which President Erdogan has called a "morale booster." Energy-strapped Turkey is trying to become less dependent on foreign sources.


Turkey plans to construct 169 kilometers of seabed natural gas pipelines at Sakarya Gas Field in 2022, according to the country's Energy and Natural Resources Minister Fatih Donmez. Reiterating that Black Sea gas will be transported to the mainland in three phases, Donmez noted that the first phase of designing the seabed natural gas production systems is completed


Turkey’s largest gas find, which reached 405 billion cubic meters (bcm), was discovered by the country’s drillship, Fatih, in the Sakarya Gas Field in the Black Sea last year. Turkey’s new gas discovery would alleviate much of its gas import dependency on Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran. First production from the Sakarya field is forecast to start by 2023.

Sakarya Gas Field is located within the 7,000km² block AR/TPO/KD/C26-C27-D26-D27 in the ultra-deep waters in the western Black Sea, approximately 175km offshore Eregli, Turkey. The Sakarya gas field is expected to meet the natural gas demand of Turkey for decades once fully commissioned.


PAX PETROKİMYA SANAYİ VE DIŞ TİCARET is in the process of establishing a one-of-a-kind PLASTIC CONVERSION NETWORK – PCN HUB in Turkey in a joint-venture with an American publicly-held subsidiary company Clean-Seas Inc. PCN Pyrolysis plant is being established in Turkey to address the dire need of waste plastic which has become the top priority initiative with Turkey’s First lady Emine Erdoğan as she takes pride in Turkey’s zero waste success.


Los Angeles, CA – June 14, 2022 – Clean Vision Corporation (OTCQB: CLNV) (the “Company”), today announced its wholly owned Clean-Seas, Inc. (C-S) subsidiary has signed a binding term sheet with Pax Petrokimya Sanayi Ve Dis Ticaret Limited, Şirketi (PPI) to jointly pursue the development of a commercial-scale waste plastic-to-energy plant as the Company’s first PCN host facility in Turkey -- as C-S seeks to strategically expand its global footprint.Detail...